Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Floating Fur Fun!

What do you do on a warming yet windy March day??? Why play with China's shedding fur floating on the wind!!! So much fun all you dogs out there gotta try it! Doesn't my Papa have the most ingeniously fun ideas!!!


The Army of Four said...

Oh, CATS! We could only watch the first one - the other two were "unavailable"! We'll try again later.
Sometimes Mom lets our fluff fly on the wind, too. Only usually it goes right to our screened windows and sticks. Ha roo roo roo! We've seen birdie nests lined with our fluff - that makes us feel really good! We're helping keep birdies warm!
Play bows,

Lorenza said...

Hi, China and Madie!
I loved 2 things about your videos! The way your dad is having fun with you two and Madie's flying skills! Great!
Kisses and hugs

Peanut said...

Madie sure can fly. Have fun with your dad.

Anonymous said...

Now that is some good entertainment!!!! Fun videos!