Thursday, April 12, 2007

Papa's HOME!!!!!!!!

I wanted to show everyone the video of when Papa came home from Kuwait 2 years ago! He came home in May 2005. I was SO HAPPY to see him! He was gone forever! Mom says it was for a year, but I didn't know what happened to my Papa and I was very glad he was home again! I missed him SO much!
What made me think of my video was that my Papa says he "came down on orders again" and he found out today that it's for Kuwait for a year, but he wouldn't be going until January 2008. Papa says that because it is so far out that his orders could get canceled though. ***Update 19 April 07 Papa's orders for Kuwait got canceled and we might get to be stationed in CA again!

1 comment:

The Army of Four said...

Oh, WOW! What a happy puppy!!! You must have missed your daddy SO much!
You never know what will happen between now and JAN08 - Stormy said things can ALWAYS change. But if your dad does deploy to Kuwait, we will all say lots and lots of prayers for him and God will watch over him and will bring him back home SAFE and you can do the happy puppy thing again!