GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!! The kids are back!!! Their Mom had to go to the field so they get to stay with us for a few days!!! We even get to wake them up in the mornings! It's SO FUN!

Madie says "I love Alece she jumps around and does cool stuff and can you see I really would like to taste her lolly pop but she didn't let me but I gave it my best shot really jumped high too!"
China says "I like Alece too but Mom gets mad at me if I treat her like Madie and tells me she's not a puppy and can't play with her like I would Madie...I just don't get it she runs like Madie does!"

China says "This one's my favorite, her name is Ashe'a. She pets me and gives me snuggles and scritches and massages too! If you look you can see my happy face all relaxed and stuff."

China says "Here you can see how Alece jumps around and Ashe'a gives me pets! I
love it!"
We'll show you more photos when Mom takes them!
to fix the broken butts you have to get their butt glands SQUEEZED! GROSSSSSSSSSS
then all the extra juice comes out and stops leaking and stinking!
Oh I have two kids of my own. they are fun fun fun. Hey I found you through the AO4 post about their new recruits. Oh and we are real army dogs to. Our dad is in the army. HOOAH
COOL Peanut! HOOAH!!!!!!
China & Madie
Oh, wow. Ase'a looks like she gives GREAT hugs. I love to hug bipeds. Any size, any age. Can I come over and hug her?
Hey guys,
Welcome to www.dogswithblogs.com.au - it is great to meet you and I am sure you will make lots of friends here :)
Hi Madie and China. I like to read your blog.
I also love visitors to pet me and play with me.
Besos y abrazos.
cool! extra peepol to snuggle and play wif! you are such lucky dogs!
Woo, girls! The logo looks COOL in your side-bar! Zim emailed you the code for the animated gif file! You can swap them out, if you'd like!
I tagged you in the Tummy Tag game! Stop by our blog for de-tails!
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